Lecture scheduling constraints
Study plans committee
Obviously, different teachings can have overlapping schedules. To help you decide wether to attend each teaching during your first or second year, this page categorises the offered teachings in the following four groups:
"Ada Lovelace" group: lectures will be held from (roughly) end of September to end of December each year
"Charles Babbage" group: lectures will be held from (roughly) end of September to end of December each year
"Joan Clarks" group: lectures will be held from (roughly) end of February to end of May each year
"Alan Turing" group: lectures will be held from (roughly) end of February to end of May each year.
You can be certain that lectures belonging to the same group will not overlap.
Ada Lovelace group
Lectures scheduled from the end of September to the end of December
Lectures of the teachings below will not overlap.
Autonomous Networking
Biometric systems
Blockchain and distributed ledger technology
Computer Complexity
Performance of computer networks
Distributed systems
Network algorithms
Security in software applications
Charles Babbage group
Lectures scheduled from the end of September to the end of December
Lectures of the teachings below will not overlap.
Advanced machine learning
Automatic verification of intelligent systems
Big Data Computing
Computer Vision
Fundamentals of data science
Methods in computer science teaching: Design
Models of data processing
Joan Clarks group
Lectures scheduled from the end of February to the end of May
Lectures of the teachings below will not overlap.
Advanced Algorithms
Advanced architectures
Cloud Computing
Concurrent systems
Data and network security
Formal methods for AI-based systems engineering
Graph theory
Mathematical logic for computer science
Methods in computer science teaching: Analysis
Alan Turing group
Lectures scheduled from the end of February to the end of May
Lectures of the teachings below will not overlap.
Advanced Software Engineering
Deep learning and applied artificial intelligence
Human-Computer Interaction on the Web
Internet of Things
Multimodal interaction
Natural language processing
Practical network defense
Topics in physics