Credit transfer for students coming from other universities

Study plans committee

Who maintains this section?

This section is directly maintained by the Study plans committee, which is in charge of credit transfer procedures.

If you are coming from another Italian university, you can request a transfer of the credits you already acquired. Which credits will be transferred will be decided by the study plans committee.

To transfer credits, you must start a formal application after your enrolment in Sapienza. This is because, to decide which credits can be transferred, involves both the administration and the professors of our master course programme council.

However, in order to give you a hint on which and how many credits you will succeed to transfer, here is a simplified mental model you can adopt to better understand the topic and an informal procedure you can follow.

Credit transfer, a simplified mental model you can adopt

The transfer of each teaching must be evaluated in terms of programme, number of credits, and compliance with a valid study plan in our course programme.

Intuitively, when you transfer teachings A1, …, An (from the university you come from), we need to find teachings B1, …, Bn in our course programme such that:

Note that some flexibility is allowed. For example, we can quite easily transfer 6 credits into a (mandatory) supplementary educational activity (called "Attività Formativa Complementare", for which we have quite high freedom), and 12 credits into "elective" teachings, since that those teachings can (in principle) be chosen from the entire Sapienza catalogue (see guidelines).

Can I have an estimation of which credits I will successfully transfer?

Yes, but remember: our estimation is informal and with no guarantee. The official procedure is quite complex and can start only after your enrolment.

To have an estimation of which credits you will likely transfer successfully, please contact the Study plans committee, by providing the list of teachings for which you acquired credits at your past university, each one with:

Moreover, by following our guidelines on how to design a valid study plan, try to select teachings which you believe correspond to those you aim to transfer, and check that you will leave enough margins to successfully complete your study plan with other teachings. Include also this data to your request to the committee.