Study plans committee

Can I submit a draft of my study plan proposal for a preliminary evaluation?

No, since submission deadlines have been designed to allow you to submit your study plan at multiple time points, from the very start of your first semester. In this way, you will have means to receive an early evaluation and, in case of rejection, you will have time to submit a revision. We recommend to strictly follow our guidelines when preparing your study plan so to avoid wasting time dealing with rejections.

Can I "informally" take an exam which is not yet in my study plan and ask the professor to register it later?

No, no, no. Please never never never attempt to take an exam without proper booking, especially if the associated teaching is not in your study plan (or you are at your first year and your teaching is allocated at your second year according to your study plan). 

You might even trick your professor (who may not perfectly know all the internals of the administration machinery), but you might face serious issues with the administration when the final checks will be made at your graduation, most notably annulments and consequent abrupt interruption of your graduation procedure.

Once again: don't do that, always stick to your study plan currently in force. Could we be more clear?

I am a working student. Can I violate the guidelines for a valid study plan by skipping those teachings which are too difficult to take without attending the lectures?

No. Our master programme is an "in presence", very advanced, complex course in computer science. As a consequence, it is crucial for you to constantly and actively attend the lectures of all teachings. Indeed, professors often adopt advanced methodologies which include project work with peers, homework with precise deadlines, live seminars in class, etc. By skipping all this, you are not doing a good service to yourself.